Western Kentucky University
Graduated 2015
Major - Int. Affairs & Politics
Q & A – Llewellyn Little University of Western Kentucky 2011 – 2015
Q. What made you decide to compete and study at a US college?
A. “After a chance meeting with a coach who handed me Noel Greeves number, I decided to pursue US athletic scholarship. The main reasoning behind it was so I could strive for my swimming goals as well as pursuing a degree without putting life on hold as such, as we do in Australia”
Q. How did you commence the process and how long did it take?
A. “We commenced the process in mid 2009, and signed with a school by December 2010. Noel was there “every step of the way” with SAT preparation help, to advising with picking schools and negotiating with them”
Q. How did it compare to competing in your sport in Australia?
A. “It is a lot more intense in terms of training and lifestyle. It becomes your identity and your family in the states. There is also a lot more facilities available to you compared to Australia”
Q. What qualities do you feel a student athlete needs to possess to be successful at a US university?
A.“I believe determination and an ability to adapt to different environments. You have to want to achieve in the pool and school. It is really easy just to train and coast through the schooling, but if you want to succeed above the norm, you have to push yourself and show the coaches and your teaches your not just some other athlete whose there just for 'kicks”
Q. How did you balance your athletic and academic interests during your scholarship?
A. “It was easy for me to balance the two. We had mandatory study hours first semester, which really instilled in you a study ethic that could balance with your sport. On top of that, teaches on a whole are usually understanding with you competition schedule. If not, the coaches will usually go in and fight for you (As long as you are a good student that is)”
Q. What are the key challenges you encountered during your scholarship?
A. “The biggest challenge for me was the food. American food is terrible. even the healthy stuff”
Q. What were some of your most memorable moments during your experience?
A. “Winning conference champion in the 400m IM. Pre season workouts where we ran around the school in speedos and social life of the swim team”
Q. Would you recommend other students consider a US scholarship experience?
A. “I would recommend it. It is a great experience and you come out with a degree at the end, whilst being able to pursue your sporting dreams”
Q. How did you benefit from studying and competing in the US college system?
A. “The way the academics are laid out, you get to double in a little bit of everything before you actually focus on your major. This was brilliant for me; I had no idea what I wanted to do before I went in. Being able to dabble in other areas really helped me decide where I want to go in life”
Q. Any other comments you would like to make?
A. “Be focused on what you want out of it, and let them know exactly what that is. Enjoy everything that is on offer to you and have a blast!”